Kevin Lee sees things. Not just the way they are, but the way they could appear, given careful attention. To take one example from thousands: a birdhouse in Bells Island, North Carolina. Many have noted its visual appeal. They might have even taken a photograph of it.


Kevin sees the same birdhouse and his imagination kicks into overdrive. He chooses a low angle. He chooses a late hour. With his vision and his equipment, he captures a nighttime view of the birdhouse against a starry sky, surrounded by a ring of silhouetted trees. The effect is, simply, enchantment.

This is what Kevin does every day. He is rarely without his camera. Photography is not just his livelihood but his passion. This drive to find and capture images began when Kevin was five years old; his mother gave him a Polaroid camera and he couldn’t stop. He never doubted what he would do for a living.

Today, after decades as a pro, Kevin has been recognized as one of the region’s most talented photographers. He has produced work for an impressive array of commercial and editorial clients—in the studio and on location.

Kevin is inspired by every project. When a proud client delivers a new, 2200-pound diesel engine to Kevin’s studio to be photographed, he gets jazzed about lighting it and bringing out its best. 

Kevin has won countless awards for his work. When he takes home a trophy, his first thought is: What would be the best way to light this thing? 

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